Letter from the Director

Step 1 has been serving the men of this community since 1992. In that time, over 3,500 men have entered our facility. Since 2012, a total of 855 men have entered Step 1 seeking help. Of those entering the facility, 282 reported being the father of a total of 508 children.
By the time an individual reaches out for help, their addiction has devastated their primary significant relationships with their children, their significant other, and with their employer. There is no doubt that mothers play an all-important, leading role in the lives of their children, but what about a father’s role? A Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center wrote, “Men are the single greatest untapped resource in the lives of American children.”
We currently live in the best of times and the worst of times for fatherhood. We live in the best of times because fathers who are engaged in their child’s life spend more time than fathers of any previous generation. We live in the worst of times because millions of children continue to miss the regular presence of Dad.
When fathers are absent, their absence may negatively impact children’s academic achievement, gender-specific development, general behavioral adjustment, and anger management, especially in males.

The men residing at Step 1 depend on this safe environment so they can be given a chance to start over. Step 1 is one of the few organizations that will admit clients with “no money down.” Step 1 provides hope that a life without drugs and alcohol is possible and that families can be put back together, no matter how broken they become.
I can’t even begin to imagine what the impact would be on the community if Step 1 could no longer offer men a safe, supportive environment to begin anew. Please help us keep a vital service available in northern Nevada.
Cost of goods & services at Step 1
1. 64 loads of laundry (buys 1 -128 oz. jug of laundry soap) = $14
2. 40 rolls of toilet paper for one week = $25
3. Hygiene kit (Deodorant, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Comb, Shampoo, Conditioner, Q-tips, Bar Soap) = $26 per person
4. Work Clothing (1 pair of Boots, 1 pair of Jeans, 2 – T-shirts) = $62
5. 30-day bus pass = $65
6. Fuel for the Cargo Van to pick up groceries & donations = $75 / mo.
7. Facility Supplies for one month = $450 / month
8. Outpatient Counseling Office Supplies = $1,500 / year
9. Utilities – (Electric/Gas, Water, Garbage) for Transitional House/Outpatient Bldg./Alumni House for one month = $2,223.31
10. Meals for 1 week – ($5) breakfast/($8) lunch/($10) dinner for 20 men (60 meals) = $460 per day x 7 days = $3,220 for one week.
11. All-inclusive one-month stay for one client = $3,318.25
Please donate today!